Fallout Tactics - Brotherhood of Steel

Fallout Tactics - Brotherhood of Steel

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: jens lohse

1000 Extra Dollars to Start:
When you start a new game select "Create" for your character. Use one of your
tags on traps. When you start the game you will have three Anti-Personal mines
and a Genric Dorr Charge like device. After finishing the first level go to the
military base you can sell these for just over 1000 dollars.

30000 Ring Pulls:
When you get the random encounter "Brahmin Poker" sneak up on them with your
best two guys. Right click on them until you have killed them all after this
simply click on the table and you will find about 30000 Ring Pulls.

Credit comments:
Hold [Shift] during the credit sequence to hear comments from the development
team. Hold [Alt] during the credit sequence to see another funny feature.

Hint: Duplication:
Find a new town/site on the map when you travel (for example, Pitch Black,
Merchant, Trader, Gas Station, etc.). When you first get there, you can look
around and trade. Before you leave, drop everything you are caring on the
ground. Leave with nothing, then return. Every time you return the items you
dropped will be there. This also works with vehicles.

When you have a random encounter, leave some of your items on the ground for
that encounter, then leave. Return to that random encounter location, and
you will find that your items are still there. Pick up all your things, leave,
return, and your items will still be there. You can keep doing this until you
have your fill of whatever you want. Note: This must be done just as you first
enter the level. Otherwise you will not be able to return to find your items.

Hint: Editing characters:
This cheat requires the character editor from fallout.gamestats.com. After
installing the editor go into the entity editor section and open this location:
\14 Degrees East\FalloutTactics\core\entities\Special\prefab. Open prefab1 and
edit it as desired. After you are done, save the file. Begin a new game and
your created character will take the place of max the first created character
that you can select.

Use this to open doors when you don't know what may be lurking behind them.
Make sure you pick the lock or use a key on the door first if you have to.
Lay one guy down, and move him right up to the door. Put another guy in the
kneeling position, and move him behind the guy laying down. Stand a guy up
and move him behind the guy kneeling down. Now you have three guys ready to
fire through the doorway once you open it. Put everybody on "agressive" mode,
your guns on burst, and use the guy laying down to open the door. anything
in the immediate line of sight turns into a bloody mess. Raider bosses die
quick this way.

Extra money:
Go to the recruiter in a Brotherhood of Steel base, recruit team members, exit
the recruit screen, take the armor off the new character(s), and give them to
your squad leader. Return to the recruiter and remove the new recruit(s). You
can then get different new recruits for more suits of armor. After you leave
the recruiter, the recruits you removed will reset - allowing you to get their
armor again. Repeat this until you have as many suits as you can carry and
still walk. Go to the quartermaster and sell the armor. Repeat this until
you have as much money as needed.

Unlimited cash:
You must have a skill of 100% of gambling. After a few mission or two,
gamble will be available to you in the BOS. You can purchase whole of the
shopkeeper items. Select the items you wanted and then click gamble until
you purchases the goods, you need't put money on it. It prove a lot when
you are building a squad.

Golden Cheat:
At the character menu name your character HIGHWAYMEN then on optinol
character skill choose Doctor, First Aid, and Small Guns At the first
level not only will you have a first aid doctors kit and extra stimpacks.
But you will have a Scout Car Waiting for you at the bridge.

Free Bartering:
When you are going to barter with some one you can get it for free. When
you get a character to the bartering screen, put in something of his and
DON'T put anything of yours in. Click the barter button over, and over
again until he gives it to you. (Note: It's best if have somebody with
high bartering skills. Also if the object has a very high worth you'll
have to click many many times)

Free reloads:
In turn based combat, you can get free reloads instead of using two action
points. Keep the weapon you are using in one weapon slot and keep the other
slot empty. When you need to reload the weapon, drag the weapon into the
other slot. It will automatically reload the weapon as though you had
dropped it from your inventory, only it will not cost any action points.
This will enable you to fire continuously without spending action points
on a reload.

Free Action Points:
While in turn based mode all you have to do is spend all  but one action
point then quicksave it, then quickload it. You will get all the action
points back for the character and can go on doing this until combat ends.

Hint Run while encumbered:
Submitted by: slav

When your character is encumbered,point him to walk to somewhere you want
to go and quicksave the game,then quickload the game and he will be running.

Springfield mission:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of
the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "bos.cfg" file
in the "\14 degrees east\fallout tactics\core" directory.
Find the "{misc.bonusMission} = {false}" line. Change "{false}" to "{true}".
Start the game. The Springfield mission follows the Quincy mission.

Free Fusion Cell ammunition:
In Peoria, set the game to "Easy" mode, and fight the insects in what manner
you see fit. When your squad reaches the first room with laser turrets, arm
them with only melee weapons (preferably monkey wrenches, diamond tipped spears,
microsledges, or whatever else is available). Have half your squad surround
each turret. You should definitely have Stoma in your group. Also make sure
that everyone has a relatively decent melee weapon skill. It is not necessary
but is helpful. If everyone surrounds the turrets correctly (in the first
room with them; for the other individual turrets at the ends of halls, etc.,
use all squadmates), and they all attack on targeted mode, set to either CPU
or sensor, you can destroy the turrets in about ten minutes with no loss of
life or heavy damage. If done correctly, the turrets will explode after awhile.
Each contains roughly 600 to 630 Fusion Cells. By the end of the mission, if
such maneuvers are carried out, you will have several thousand Energy Cells
for later missions. Note: Do not try this in the Brahmin Armor Special

Extra Strength and HP:
If you have any Bullhorn Traps, put one in each character's weapon slot. Each
character will have a strength of 12, greater carry weight, and an enormous
amount of HP. At first, your character will start to bleed and appear almost
dead. However, this is because the character's original HP level is much lower
than the maximum. Also, in the character screen, the character will appear to
have a Buffout addiction. This does not seem to have any affect, and it
disappears as soon as you remove the Bullhorn Trap.

PIP-boy random encounter:
The location of the PIP-boy random encounter is three squares north of Bunker
Beta and then seventeen or eighteen squares west.

For Demo version: Unlimited Action Points:
Get down to 1 Action Point in turn-based mode. Qucksave, then quickload the
game. All Action Points will be restored for that character.

Trap of DOOM:
When you finish your first quest go to the brotherhood of steels shop buy an
bull horn trap, equip it in your second weapon slot and your stats should be
12 strength, 78251 (or 7825183, can't see) in small guns and 7825183 health.
If you do this your'll taking the fun out of the game.

Increase Weapon Skills while Driving:
To avoid getting a penalty to your weapons skills and upgrading it instead
while driving, set all your squad members to the prone posistion and make
them crawl into the vehicle.

Developer quotes:
If you hold down the "shift" key and click on the credits button on the
main screen, you get quotes from the developers.


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