Stick RPG 2

Stick RPG 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

The murder of Ryan:
1. Get the clue from the guy.
2. Go to Jims Gym and wait for the bunch of people to appear...
   Talk to the dark blue guy.
3. Now, go to The bar at the second island and wait for the
   person to appear.
4. Now, go to the girl near the Icecream shop at evening.
5. Now, give her 15,000
6. Talk to the detective and get a warrant
7. Now meet Ted in the Benjamen club and beat him
8. Now you have a blast cannon!

* Give XXX DVD (need id) to young guy in north city-> skateboard.
* Give Northcity Road worker $75 burger->get ladder-> give to cat
  lady (early morning/morning e midcity)->get tropermon.
* Give DJ in club pizza and milk shake -> tropermon.
* Give painkillers to guy (afternoon w southcity)-> get squegee->
  Give to guy (morning dumpster northcity)->get klein bottle->
  Give to professor.
  Tropermon-> give to nature club (afternoon southcity center)-> 
  25 karma 15 charm OR give to millionaire
  (night e midcity between two apartments) -> $1000 -30 karma.

How to marry Kate:
Get over sixty Intelligence. Find Kate early (ish) in Stickbucks,
she will give you a textbook. Give textbook to the guy in the U of
S and he will give you a calculator. Meet Kate late in the evening
and give her the calculator and she will give you a mechanical pencil.
Sleep. When you wake up go to the U of S. Kate will be there. She
will have a heart above her head and will say she needs a pencil.
Give her the pencil. She will say thanks. Go to the Casino before
10pm. The guy with the job symbol above his head will say I need a
watch or something. Give him the watch, he will give you a diamond
ring. Sleep. When you wake up give Kate the ring. I don't know what
(if anything) you do after that. Voila - you're married.!


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