America's Army - Special Forces Overmatch

America's Army - Special Forces Overmatch

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Use a text editor to edit the "armyops.ini" file in the "system" folder
in the game directory. Add the following line under the "[Engine.GameEngine]"
heading to enable cheat mode.

 bMPCheats=Enabled 2

Then, press ~ or [Tab] during game play to display the console window.
Enter one of the following codes.

Result                         Code
Third person view            - behindview 1 
Unlimited ammunition         - mpcheat paramsammo 1 
No clipping mode             - mpcheat ghost 
Disable no clipping mode     - walk 
Weapon select                - mpcheat changeclass [weapon name]
Start game alone1            - start [level name]
Spawn indicated item or NPC1 - summon [item or character name]
Freeze game play             - playersonly 

Weapon names:
Use one of the following entries with the "mpcheat changeclass" code.

ak (AK47)
ak74su (AK74SU)
ar (SAW)
at4 (American rocket launcher)
b (Benelli m390 combat shotgun with 7 slug rounds)
f (Fists)
g (M16A2 with grenade launcher)
gp (AK47 with grenade launcher)
m4a1 (M4A1)
m4m (same as sf but with different grenades)
m9 (pistol)
mos (Mosin-Nagant sniper rifle)
r (Grenades)
rpg (Rocket propelled grenade)
rpk (OpFor machine gun)
s (M81 sniper)
s24 (M24 sniper)
spr (Silenced weapon with 4x zoom)
svd (Dragonov sniper rifle)
v (AK siris modified weapon)

Item names:
Use one of the following entries with the "spawn" code.

agp_inventory.PickupW_AT4_Rocket (4 rocket launcher)
agp_inventory.PickupW_RPG7_Rocket (for rpg7 rocket launcher)
agp_inventory.PickupW_M870_shotgun (shotgun)
agp_inventory.PickupT_M14_Incendiary (new grenade that explodes into flames)

NPC names:
Use one of the following entries with the "spawn" code.

agp_characters.npc_flight crew

Get the grenade launcher. Change to grenade launcher mode. Fire one shot and do
not reload. Switch back to single fire mode. Press H or [Semicolon] (or other
re-defined key) to switch between the grenade and single fire mode 5 times.
Then, very quickly press F to fix jam. Your ammunition should go to "-1". Switch
back to grenade mode and reload. You will now have one shot in your grennade
launcher. Fire that off, then reload. You will now have 255 grenade ammunition
in the grenade launcher and can fire off grenades when you fire regularly.
Note: You cannot reload your regular magazine after you waste all of your
ammunition. You must switch back to grenade mode and use those shots.


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